We are a board game publisher dedicated to bringing exciting, fun games to your table. We hope that you use our games to create memories with friends and loved ones.
Meet The Team

Chance Snyder
Dinktator for Life
Chance Snyder is more of a dreamer than a doer, but big dreams are great bases for board games. The Humbledink journey started with a big dream for a funny, yet competitive board game inspired by shonen anime...and so it continues to be! Joined by his more diligent friends and fellow workers, Chance works to turn big, wild ideas into fun and funny cardboard contraptions, always encouraged by his loving (and patient) wife, as well as their loud and hungry cat. His favorite sorts of games are social and strategic, but he appreciates any game that blends good mechanics with thematic relevance - any game that pulls off in play what the use of ekphrasis accomplishes in literature: they make the unreal seem real.

David Peterson
Grand Vizier of Dinkage
David Peterson got into games early with his parents, but it wasn't until going away to college that he developed a passion for them. He now owns all the expansions of Arkham Horror (2nd edition), the slight handicap of living in a small metal box notwithstanding. David believes that games bring out the humanity in us, and what better way to get to know someone than by playing extremely long games with them? He still plays games with his parents, even if they only play 6 Cubes.

kirby aquino
Archmage of Dinkomancy
Kirby is a playtester who operates behind the scenes and manages the social media accounts for the company. His interest in tabletop games began when he learned to play the Pokemon card game in the fourth grade, and since then games have remained a constant presence in his life, regardless of his mood or circumstances. Although it took him some time to realize, Kirby believes that the enduring appeal of games lies in their ability to bring people together. While he acknowledges the importance of fun, artwork, and design, he has come to appreciate that storytelling is a fundamental part of the human experience, and he considers games to be excellent tools for fostering that connection.